The importance of having a Coach & mentor when starting a business
Learning from others who have achieved what you want to achieve , is one of the best ways to cut the learning curve and reach your destination faster. Who better to learn from than someone who has done it for years and has achieved results in that industry!
It’s so important to have a mentor & Coach that can guide you through what is the right and wrong way to go about things. What you spend time doing and what you shouldn’t waste time on. Someone who has run into the roadblocks already and worked it out so that you can smash through them on your way to success.
Having a mentor to push and direct you ensures that you waste as little time and money as possible, particularly when you’re first starting out. Your mentor will also act as a guide to help you solve problems or just avoid then altogether!
Imagine if you had to learn driving a manual car by yourself without an instructor. Why should business be any different. Why make it harder for yourself then it needs to be!
Investing in yourself and in a mentor will be the biggest asset to you.
Learning from courses, books and YouTube videos are great but having your own person mentor is paramount with no substitute.